Christmas "2005"

Created by nacole sunshine 12 years ago
Brandon and I were roommates in 2005. we had a lot of good times but today as I was with Maryjane I brought up a funny memory from Xmas that year. At the time he wars working down at portco and he worked rotating shifts.usually swing. which was good I worked days so he could sleep. so we decorated a tree. then my kids Ember, Austin, and Madison and myself put our stockings up. at that time Brandon was at work. we went to bed and did our normal routine. the next day I came home from work to see Brandon's stocking. imagine a real sock. that was totally inked up and had holes hanging with the rest. I laughed so hard. I called him at work. he said he didn't have a real one so we left it. and we always laughed about it. that was the kind of person he was. funny. and would do really inventive things for a smile.I will forever remember that and many more memories I have from our youth. I love you my brother, my friend.